Email Marketing Quotes
(1) Average conversion rates are meaningless. Switzerland on average is flat.
Chris Goward
(2) Marketing is like sex: everyone thinks they’re good at it.
Steve Tobak
(3) Email has an ability many channels don’t: creating valuable, personal touches – at scale.
David Newman
(4) Why waste a sentence saying nothing?
Seth Godin
(5) A small list that wants exactly what you’re offering is better than a bigger list that isn’t committed.
Ramsay Leimenstoll
(6) That which is measured improves.
Karl Pearson
(7) Make the customer the hero of your story.
Ann Handley
(8) Done is better than perfect.
(9) Personalisation – it is not about first/last name. It’s about relevant content.
Dan Jak
(10) Focus on growing your list all of the time as newer subscribers are more engaged adding to healthier open rates and ROI.
Karl Murray
(11) Quality over quantity – Emails may be cost efficient but it’s no excuse to not produce quality content to give to a targeted audience.
Benjamin Murray
(12) I want to do business with a company that treats emailing me as a privilege, not a transaction.
Andrea Mignolo
(13) To get the right message to the right person at the right time you first need to get the right data to the right database at the right time.
John Caldwell
(14) Not enough talk about the importance of brand in email. Customers don’t sign up for email – they sign up for your brand.
Bob Frady
(15) 90% of marketing doesn’t work because it doesn’t get done.
Neil Bradman
(16) Use low commitment CTAs. Emails are invites, landing pages are parties.
Matt Byrd
(17) Relevance is irrelevant once the consumer chooses you.
Bob Frady
(18) If Social Media is the cocktail party, then email marketing is the ‘meet up for coffee’. The original 1 to 1 channel.
Erik Harbison
(19) Having a lot to say is never a good enough reason to actually say it.
Lee Clowes
(20) When you have written your headline, you have spent eighty cents out of your dollar.
David Ogilvy
(21) Tell me and I will forget, show me and I may remember, involve me and I will understand.
(22) Bait without a hook is just food.
John Hayes
(23) If you are not seeing the email channel as a money making machine, you have the wrong strategy.
Hans Smellinckx
(24) Every email is a customer survey of your target market, by testing they vote on what resonates best with them.
Kath Pay
(25) Email is a push channel, so we need to push it to work harder.
Kath Pay
(26) On the highway to user/product love, lifecycle emails are road signs providing timely guidance, not annoying billboards.
Samuel Hulick
(27) How to write a good email:
Dan Munz
1. Write your email
2. Delete most of it
3. Send.
(28) To not have an email address is the digital equivalent of being homeless. Without it you can’t shop online, bank online or engage with social media.
Dela Quist
(29) A bad email reputation is like a hangover: hard to get rid of and it makes everything else hurt.
Christ Marriott
(30) On average, 8 out of 10 people will read your headline copy, but only 2 out 10 will read the rest.
Brian Clark
(31) An email without clarity is like an annoying mime: Just say what you want or get out the way!.
Jordie van Rijn
(32) The best marketing doesn’t feel like marketing.
Tom Fishburne
(33) Reaching the inbox isn’t your goal – engaging people is.
Matt Blumberg
(34) Customer Loyalty is mostly about choosing the right customers.
John Jantsch
(35) As a company you need to get to the future first, ahead of your customers, and be ready to greet them when they arrive.
Marc Benioff
(36) People don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it.
Simon Sinek
(37) Marketing is no longer about the stuff that you make, but about the stories you tell.
Seth Godin
(38) When you start with what’s at stake for the buyer, you earn the right to their attention.
Jake Sorofman
(39) You can’t just ask customers what they want and then try to give that to them. By the time you get it built, they’ll want something new.
Steve Jobs
(40) Getting the like is easy. It’s a light action. Anything else requires trust.
Jon Loomer
(41) You can not educate people into buying your product.
Josh Earl
FAQ’s About Email Marketing Quotes
What is Email Marketing
Does email marketing work?
In fact, a 2015 study by the DMA found that for every $1 spent, email has an average $38 return on investment (ROI). When shoppers are ready to buy something, they often look for emails from their favorite stores.
Based on 2019 data, email marketing is still ranked in the most effective marketing channel, beating out social media, SEO, and affiliate marketing [2].
How do I get an email list?
Drive signups through social media.If you don’t have a substantial email list (or you’d just like to see it grow), but you’ve got an engaged social media following, tap into that resource. Share your signup form on your social channels. [3]
How to Create an Effective Email Marketing Campaign
1. Use a comprehensive email builder.
2. Include personalization elements in the copy and excellent imagery.
3. Add an appropriate call-to-action.
4. Make sure it’s designed for all devices.
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